Hood River Lavender Farm

Hood River Lavender Farm

A couple of weekends ago we went up to Phelps Creek Vineyard for wine tasting and to pickup up a few bottles of various spirits for drinking later. On the way back to Hood River, we drove part of the Fruit Loop Tour. While I’d been on this particular road before, I’d never been there while the Hood River Lavender Farm was open. So, we popped in for a bit of a visit.

Mt. Hood from Hood River area

Mt. Hood was a bit hidden that day. The clouds just wouldn’t clear off at all, but it still turned out to be a pretty nice picture.

The farm, as one would expect, was positively lousy with lavender plants growing all over the place.

Hood River Lavender Farm The gazebo would be the perfect place for a wedding or two.

Hood River Lavender Farm

Luckily, it’s not just ugly old lavender all over the place. They manage to break it up with some other colors.

Pink and Purple Flowers

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