Ghost town of Gilchrist Oregon
Do you know anything about this town? Have you ever lived here? Please leave your recollections in the comments below!
Do you know anything about this town? Have you ever lived here? Please leave your recollections in the comments below!
Do you mean Gilchrist oregon? I live there for four years, I lived in the blue house on top of the hill and I think it was haunted by a young boy.
Not a ghost town. Have been through there several times. A small town, but definitely inhabited.
Hello Alice, thank you for stopping by. You are correct, Gilchrist is a small, inhabited town. But… the population is much less then it was at its height. Thus it is considered to be a Class D or E Ghost Town.
Was established by the Gilchrist Lumber Company. They operated into the 60’s. My oldest brother graduated from Gilchrist High School in 1950. Full functioning school with a basketball team. All houses were painted the same brown color. Population may have been as large as 2,000 at peak. Pretty little town that characterized small town America of its era.